Donations to MHPD
March 2014: Funding for the purchase of K-9 Soni and associated costs. DONATION: $8900
March 2014 – Training for K-9 team.
March 2014 – Funding for the purchase of a hand-held speed Lidar measurement tool.
DONATION: $1,650
March 2014 – Funding for the purchase of ballistic trauma plates for members of the SWAT team. A ballistic trauma plate is an add-on/insert to a ballistic vest. The addition of the plates will enhance officer safety during a SWAT call-out by providing an enhanced level of protection. DONATION: $6000
March 2014 – Funding for the purchase of hand-held printers for E-cite electronic traffic citation system. DONATION: $1,750
March 2013 – Provided funding for VIP uniform jackets for new volunteers. DONATION: $475
March 2013 – Approved funding to complete “soft” interview room for use in Domestic Violence and Rape investigations – DONATION ESTIMATE $1600
March 2013 – Approved funding for a Trimble measuring tool for mapping crime and accident scenes. DONATION ESTIMATE: $6000
January 2012 - Provided funding for the retrofit of two police cars to become volunteer vehicles to be used by the new Volunteers In Policing team. DONATION: $1850
April 2012 - Provided funding for new uniform jackets for the Volunteers in Policing program members. DONATION: $975
May 2012 - As the first donation made from funds generated at the 1st Annual Cops & Robbers Ball, CLEF donated funds to support Morgan Hill Police Explorer Post 811. Funding will help support uniforms, competition fees and programs for the Post. DONATION: $1100
May 2012 - Provided funding for new trading cards for MHPD officers as part of their community outreach program. DONATION: $1750
May 2012 - Provided funding for the MHPD's Parent Project, a program geared at the parents of at-risk youth. Funded in part by a grant from The Morgan Hill Community Foundation. DONATION: $3500
May 2012 – Funds have been set aside for the purchase or a replacement K-9. EXPECTED DONATION: $10,000
August 2012 – Provided funding for Child ID kits to be provided to Morgan Hill families free of charge. Funded through a grant from Morgan Hill Rotary. DONATION: $595
September 2012 –Provided funding for updated optics for SWAT Equipment. DONATION: $2165
September 2012 –Provided funding for new table runners to be used at MHPD as part of their community outreach program. DONATION: $370
September 2012 – Provided funding for SWAT shooting range training equipment. DONATION: $930
November 2012 –Provided funding to outfit each patrol car with a First Responder medical kit to provide officers with the critical supplies needed to provide trauma and emergency aid at the scene of a medical emergency. DONATION: $3785
November 2012 –Provided funding for the purchase of Challenge coins to be awarded by the Chief of Police as a symbol of pride, respect and fellowship to will be awarded to acknowledge actions that reinforce the Department’s core values of Safety, Integrity, Respect, Professionalism, Pride, Teamwork and Innovation. DONATION: $1555
December 2012 –Provided funding for a 2nd Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) system. DONATION: $18,475
April 2011 - Provided a new high definition video camera and associated memory cards to the MHPD for their CSI unit. Funds provided by CLEF board member, David Cohen. DONATION: $750
April 2011 - Provided funding for 3 hand held e-Cite ticketing devices. DONATION: $3000
May 2011 – Provided funding for a new protective vest for the MHPD K-9. Funds provided by a MH Downtown Association fundraiser and Mama Mia’s owner, Majid Bahriny. DONATION: $2500
May 2011 - Provided funding for the purchase of two Minuteman Folding Ballistics Shields. Funded in part by a grant from The Morgan Hill Community Foundation. DONATION: $4000
July 2011 – Provided funding for the purchase of an Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system. DONATION: $22,000
August 2011 - Provided financial support for the 2011 National Night Out Ice Cream Social on the Third Street Promenade.
January 2010 – Provided funding for a new silent generator for the CSI trailer. DONATION: $4200
October 2010 – Provided funding for new training equipment for the K-9 unit. Made possible by a donation from Cherisse’s Hair Salon’s Dog Wash fundraiser. DONATION: $275
December 2010 – Provided funding for a NOPTIC patrol car mounted thermal imaging camera. Funded in part by a grant from The Morgan Hill Community Foundation. DONATION: $4500
December 2010 – Provided funding for the MHPD's Parent Project, a program geared at the parents of at-risk youth. Funded by a grant from the eBay Foundation. DONATION: $3500
July 2008 – Provided funding for the reinstatement of the MHPD K-9 unit with the purchase of a K-9, training and equipment.